paulryanrogers 13 hours ago

> Did Jimmy "MrBeast" Donaldson not tell us that meme coins are 'icky'?

Guy who got rich selling kids on gambling, illegal sweepstakes, charity washing, candy, and some minor rug pulls draws the line at launching his own pump-and-dump coin? Not exactly a trustworthy source.

graeme 14 hours ago

We need some way of quantifying crypto flows other than market cap.

With a stock, the market cap makes sense as an overall net present value of cashflows that would accrue to someone who owned 100% of the shares. And companies really are sold at values near market caps if they go private.

Bonds have a redemption value.

Crypto coins have no cashflows or underlying value. The money that was lost in this scheme was whatever was put in. And it wasn't capital that evaporated. It was instead a transfer to those who produced and sold the coins.

With a business capital really can evaporate. You can buy the wrong equipment, pay the wrong people and value is destroyed.

But crypto coins are just a transfer. So, the true question here is how much was transferred from those who bought to those who minted the coins or got in early?

  • duxup 13 hours ago

    Yeah I agree, I would like to know how much money changed hands, not some imaginary value.

jmclnx 14 hours ago

Well everyone with no emotional to Trump saw this coming. Nothing like stealing from your fans. I am sure the family made out fine.

jazzyjackson 13 hours ago

Unilad is a terrible source and market cap is a terrible measure