I haven’t kept up with python too much over the past year or two and learned a couple new things from this code. Namely, match/case and generic class typing. Makes me wonder what else is new, off to the python docs!
thanks for pointing that out. Seems a thorough scan as features of whatsnew is due - since maybe 3.7?
For the record, ~language~ additions i found interesting (excluding type-hints):
(Base)ExceptionGroups ; (Base)Exception.add_note() + __notes__
modules: tomllib
Parenthesized context managers
Structural Pattern Matching - match..:case..
builtins: aiter(), anext()
dict | dict ; dict |= dict
for a in *x,*y: ... #no need of (*x,*y)
str.removeprefix , str.removesuffix
Any valid expression can now be used as a decorator
modules: zoneinfo , graphlib
Assignment expressions
Positional-only parameters
Dict comprehensions and literals compute First the key and Second value
builtins: breakpoint()
__getattr__ and __dir__ of modules
modules: contextvars , dataclasses
It's 736 LOC now.
Last 2 lines, 735 and 736:
That is counting all comments and empty lines, which are many.
If you count only the library code, it is less than 250 LOC.
I then asked for Claude to write the docstrings and examples which increased by 500
It reminded me of pycon talk by David Beazley - Python Concurrency From the Ground Up: LIVE! - PyCon 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCs5OvhV9S4
What is the purpose of @dataclass on Task class?
> What is the purpose of @dataclass on Task class?
No purpose. I think I added in the initial implementation and ended up not being required, but I forgot to remove
I haven’t kept up with python too much over the past year or two and learned a couple new things from this code. Namely, match/case and generic class typing. Makes me wonder what else is new, off to the python docs!
thanks for pointing that out. Seems a thorough scan as features of whatsnew is due - since maybe 3.7?
For the record, ~language~ additions i found interesting (excluding type-hints):
3.10 zip(strict=True) 3.11 asyncio.TaskGroup (structured concurrency) enabled by ExceptionGroup
3.12 itertools.batched(L, n) — it replaces zip([iter(L)]n)
There was also the walrus operator
that's the Assignment expressions, i.e. :=
True, I did not see that. My bad, sorry!
very good example to learn async , will try it