How do you handle FOMO as a tech solopreneur?

2 points by cryptoSympozium 9 hours ago

Hi HN Community!

Im a solopreneur, crypto dev and musician! Im posting this cause I really want to know if there are other makers out there dealing with this as I do. Today's world feels like it is moving in light speed. You stay offline one day, and the next there are 25 BIG THINGS that you missed in AI, Crypto, politics or whatever the vertical you fancy. It makes it very hard to stay focused and build things that matter and not just things that are trending at the moment. This creates a lot of stress, and sometimes brain fog. Which in my opinion is the worst, cause if the brain doesn't work properly, what's left? Do you go through the same thing as well? How do you manage? Cheers from a solopreneur based in Barcelona.

- Tasos

ezekg 8 hours ago

If you're really a solopreneur, stop caring about fads and start caring about profitability. You don't need to learn fancy new tools to earn money online -- you need to use boring tools and keep moving forward. Keep loose tabs on topics relevant to your market, but everything else is noise -- so ignore it.

erdaniels 9 hours ago

I'd suggest you start with reducing the amount of daily information you uptake. Where possible, try to subscribe to newsletters with weekly digests on the topics you care about. With politics, you can just check the news like once a week and not have missed very much day by day.

  • cryptoSympozium 9 hours ago

    thanks for this. yeah im trying to do weekly digests (or daily if it is straight to the point). I feel like visiting some platforms creates the stress right away, with the bombarding of info. But i was also referring to this from a solopreneurship perspective. As in, if you FOMOing on building a cool thing, or not using the latest tech etc etc. cheers

gregjor 9 hours ago

List all of BIG THINGS (by your standard) that happened in the last decade. Did you actually miss out by not learning about them soon enough? You can safely consume a lot less media and ignore most of it. You won't miss much.

  • cryptoSympozium 7 hours ago

    true story. That's the realization im having as well. Media is showing way too many progress, which isnt actually much! i will use AI to make weekly digests haha. cool thanks