0xEF 7 hours ago

I started working with Rails recently, myself, and it's leaving me wondering why it fell out of favor. Can any veteran web developers shed light on that?

As the author states, I find it gives me the tools I need and then steps back to let me futz around with everything. I can"t really ask for much more for my relatively simple needs. Compared to when I tried out Node.js and .NET, Rails just seems so uncomplicated and straightforward.

  • ezekg 3 hours ago

    Author here. I think it's a combination of things. Node came onto the scene, and the hype hasn't really let up yet.

    In addition, ZIRP made hiring cheap, and JS was ubiquitous -- bootcamps pushed it, marketing and trends pushed it. The choice was obvious, even it it wasn't great. Go also emerged and proved to actually be great. Meanwhile, Rails was seen as boring and slow (though YJIT has drastically improved that!)

    But ZIRP is over. Simple, boring tools are coming back, and complexity is now seen for what it is -- risk.

    In a world where efficiency matters again, imo, Rails will see a renaissance.